Alpha Beta Pruning

Zero sum games

Zero sum games have very special mathematical and computational properties. They are important for several reasons: first, they model strictly adversarial games that is games in which the only way for P1 [Player 1] to improve his payoff is to harm P2 [Player 2], and vice versa .
The following equation signifies a zero sum game :

$$ \begin{align*} u1 + u2 = 0 \end{align*} $$ $$ \begin{align*} u2 = -u1 \end{align*} $$

P1 is trying to maximize its own utility u1 and P2 is trying to maximize u2 . Now, since u2 = -u1 , we can say that P2 is trying to minimize the utility of P1 . To understand the concept of utilities , utility of an action state is higher for P1 if it results in P1 winning the game and similarly the more negative the utility value is for an action state for P2 the better it is .

Min-Max algorithm

So how do we go about solving such problems ? An attractive proposition is to build a search tree ! We start with the root node being a initial state of the game ( typically the max node ),a max node is defined as the node that picks up the maximum utility of all it’s children ( you reach a child node when you perform an action from that initial state ).

Now the layer after the root node (max node) contains all nodes which are called as min nodes . And expectedly enough the min nodes pick up the minimum utility of it’s children ( relate to this as the second player in the game trying to minimize the opposition’s utility ) . These min-maxlayers alternate until the game is finished ( terminal state : a leaf node ) and the leaf node is where you assign the utilities to various states of the game . For example if player 1 wins it’s assigned a utility of 1 and if player 2 does then it’s assigned a -1 , in case of a draw the utility is assigned to 0 ( assigning the utility is totally upto you ! ) .

Understanding DFS Traversal

We traverse the game tree using a dfs type traversal as mentioned in the gist below .

initialtreeInital Tree Configuration

Let’s assume a small game tree that finishes in two moves as shown below , the layers alternate as mentioned in minimax algorithm with the final layers consisting of utility values .

minimaxThe state of the tree after applying the minmax algorithm

For a game like this that finishes in 2 moves the minimax is fairly easy to compute , but modelling a game tree when you are playing isolation on a big grid or even a large version of tic tac toe would take quite some time to compute . In complex games the search space would explode exponentially and thus we need to find a way better than this .

Alpha Beta Pruning

The full minimax search explores some parts of the tree it doesn’t have to.
The idea is as follows : let’s assume you are a greedy greedy node ( the max node x ) but you are also very shrewd in terms of resources you have , you can only visit a few branches of this game tree and not all unlike the minimax algorithm so you evaluate one of it’s children y , node y returns a utility of u , now you move on to the next kid z , while exploring node z ( which is a min node ) and kids of z , one of the kids of z returns a utility value back , the question is would you keep exploring other kids of z ? NO ! , since z is a min node and it will at least return a utility value v , but the greedy node x already has a better solution , hence we prune all the remaining kids of z and return to x to explore it’s remaining kids , this is the essence of alpha beta pruning .

Incidentally the children of x know about the maximum utility x has made till they are chosen for exploration , how ?
x propagates the utility value down to it’s children .

Essential in this pruning process is the presence of a pair for each node , inspired from the nature of the two nodes that alternate ( max , min ) and the two layers communicate with each other when the parent propagates either the or depending on nature of the node .

If i am a min node , i will receive the value from my parent , and keep track of the minimum from my children in the value .

If i am a max node , i will receive the value from my parent , and keep track of the maximum from my children in the value .

Keeping in line with the analogy above if at any point in this recursice sequence > for a node , then all it’s remaining children must be pruned .

Let’s visualize this with the above example :

alpha-betaThe initial tree now with bounds for each node

alpha-beta1Node B updates it’s beta , and node A updates it’s alpha.

alpha-beta1Node C is informed of the max value node A has uptil now , hence alpha propagates down,the beta value for C is not yet -2 as shown [error apologies]

alpha-beta1Rest of the kids of node C are pruned as we expected and of node A now propagates to node D

alpha-beta1D’s value is updated after exploring the first child

alpha-beta1D’s value is updated again after encountering a lesser utility value