Temperature \(\quad T= \) 2.0
Each dot corresponds to a micro magnetic moment, it is displayed in blue if the magnetic moment is up, and white in the downward direction.
You can change the algorithm from the drop down menu, the temperature from the slider. You can resume and stop automatic updating with Start / Stop button. Each time you press the Step button, the state is updated one step at a time. The size is L = 100 of the periodic boundary condition, The magnetic field is H = 0.0.The update time interval is changed by algorithm. When you press the Auto button, it automatically lowers the temperature slowly.
In the graph below, the horizontal axis is the temperature and the vertical axis is the magnetization plot for the First Graph and the Energy Plot on the second. The color of the point changes according to the selected algorithm.
Phase shift temperature Tc ≃ 2.27 The rapid change before and after is interesting.